Grace Wings Pillow Organic Satin Cotton - Aroma Herbal and Millet Husk Inlay

• EAN: 4260190323631
€79,00 In stock. Ships immediately.
Product Description

Inspired by wild landscapes and long summer nights, this organic cotton, Grace herbal aroma cushion offers an amazingly fragrant and relaxing experience.

The snugly fitting millet husks (kbA organic) are supplemented by a special herbal mixture (kbA organic) according to an old home recipe. With lavender, chamomile blossoms, St. John's wort, peppermint, thyme and linden blossoms, all herbs that have a balancing and calming effect come together.

Harmonizing and calming, the MeroWings' Grace scented pillow disperses a pleasant 100% organic fragrance and provides support and comfort with our popular wing pillow shape. Body heat releases the essential oils in the herbal blend for wonderful relaxation.

The soothing scent of these organic wing pillows makes you feel calm and relaxed.

TIP: Like us humans, herbs recharge their energy through the power of the sun. Therefore, place the MeroWings' Grace Herbal cushion  in the sun for a while from time to time.

Product Information

• Measurement: 42 x 54 cm (wxh)
• Cover: 100% certified organic satin cotton
• Cover removable & washable- fine wash programme
• Fabric characteristics: High quality GOTS certified bio-organic cotton satin, soft, smooth, elegant shine

The new organic cotton inner pillow filled with healing and therapeutic millet husks and herbs.

Organic millet husks and aroma herbal inlay:
• Weight: ~ 1.25kg
• Inlay Cover: 100% GOTS certified bio-organic Cotton
• Inlay Filling: Millet husks with herbs mixture (lavender, chamomile blossoms, St. John's wort, peppermint, thyme and linden blossoms)
Cover removable & washable without the filling - fine wash programme

There are three possible Grace inlay cushion options. Either the new scented inlay filling with harmonizing and calming millet husks and herbs OR the organic cotton inlay filled with therapeutic stone pine shavings and spelt OR the MeroWings regular inlay.


Benefits & Uses

Fragrant herbs and millet shells take you to the realm of dreams! Let yourself be pampered by selected herbs according to a well-tried mixture. The soothing scent of these organic wing pillows makes you feel calm and relaxed. Made and produced for you in Germany. 

The beautiful, natural coloured, unbleached organic satin cotton used for these covers are smooth to the touch. Together with the cushion’s form, they are a true dream and inspire people of all ages to want to cuddle them. The beauty of MeroWings Wings pillows is that they can be wonderfully combined with other models to provide any number of ergonomic combinations.

All Grace models can be ordered with either a regular MeroWings inlay, the organic stone pine and spelt filled inlays or with the new scented inlay filled with harmonizing and calming millet husks and herbs.

100% natural
GOTS certified
Handmade in DE

Truly relax for a change

✓ Meet the wing cushions that offer you more comfort and wellbeing than all other cushions you have tried before.

 ✓ The most unique cushion designed, engineered and optimised for the best possible wellbeing in any environment.

 ✓ After all, better recovery in life means better everything.

Our wing pillows make every position super comfy

 M O D E L   C L A S S I C

The angel by your side

In the wings of our cuddly cushions you feel held, supported and carried. Because they are all ergonomically optimised and osteopathically and orthopaedically tested.
 They help you to unwind and relax physically.
Our large Classic wing pillow helps you to find your personal feel-good position: as a reading pillow, as a large sofa pillow, as a back or arm rest, as a whole-body pillow in the prone or supine position, also during pregnancy. Our Classic model is inspiringly multifunctional.

"I love my wings, it's like lying in a hug, just great!" - says Melanie R.

 M O D E L   J O Y

Maximum comfort & relaxation

Achieved in combination with the medium Joy model, which offers you an incredible range of uses. The MeroWings Joy wing cushion supports your neck and back, either in combination with the larger Classic model or as a single wing on your deep sofa, in your large armchair, on your bed or as a decorative cushion for your living room.
Your ideal all-round cuddly companion.

"When I opened the parcel I was enchanted by the beauty, the cuddle factor and the quality of the cushions. Definitely a dream and of very high quality." Jutta R. 

 M O D E L   G R A C E

For maximised sleep quality

So you feel relaxt 100% all the time and get gentle sleep support - as a back sleeper in the neck, as a side sleeper between the knees or in the prone position under the stomach - with the Grace relaxation pillow you will find a restful night's sleep. The small model of our wing pillows can also be used to support the lumbar spine while sitting or as a combination partner with the larger models Classic & Joy.

"Best Pillow ever. I absolutely love this pillow. I am sleeping either on side or on belly and due to shape its just a perfect support. But can be also used in back laying position and I am using it for sitting in bed or sofa. It supports the back perfectly. Thanks for this great product!" Jaqueline G. 

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Exchangeable Covers

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Functional Design

Unique ergonomic design


I wanted a comfy pillow. One that guarantees me comfort, warmth and support whenever I need it. That's why I designed the wing pillows. Since then, we have been working on our wing pillows in a small team with heart and soul and only with selected suppliers from Germany and Europe. Get your own pair of wings, you know you have earned them!

Which Wings Model suits your needs?


Size L / Large

70 x 80 cm

Perfect support for deep
sofa corners & armchairs

The angel by your side


Size M / Medium

52 x 68 cm

Gently holds the head,
supports the neck and spinal area

Brings joy into your life


Size S / Small

42 x 54 cm

Ideal head pillow, supports
the lumbar spine while sitting

Your perfect sleeping buddy

Did you know? All our models come in many different colors.
Special Tip: You can also buy replacement covers for your long loved wing pillow.

Frequently asked questions


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